Google Business Group (GBG) is a community of business professionals sharing knowledge about Google web technologies for business success. Helping businesses, SME's, start-ups, entrepreneurs and professionals to develop the transition from a traditional to a digital business.
We CONNECT-INFORM-INSPIRE through monthly workshops around Dubai, putting together people to learn, creat connections, deals and business flow. We talk from people to people, with business cases and studies, for you to learn how to obtain the best ideas and apply them into your business or career.
A non-profit organization related and created by Google. Helping the community to learn from the most successful companies and professionals. We allow partners and collaborators to contribute with the community in many different ways. Join and become a partner with GBG Dubai, and lets make Dubai the most important digital hub in the world.
Focused on digital and technological trainings, we cover all aspects of this three main fields:
- Google World and Ecosystem: training businesses and professionals in the power of Google Services, such as Google Adwords, Google Analytics, Google Plus, Google Hangouts, Google Apps for Businesses, Collaborative Google Services (Docs, SpreadSheets, Presentations, Gmail, Drive) and many more.
- Digital Business & Digital Marketing: the world has evolve from an industrial economy into a digital and technological economy. The online world gets fused with the physical aspect of our daily life. Social economy and people's empowering has lead to a new business ecosystem, and the way people and businesses communicate with them selfs. Thats why we talk about all aspects that a business needs to take care of in a digital era:
- Website & Blog Development
- App Development & Ecosystem
- Mobile Marketing & Advertising
- Social Media Marketing
- Community Management
- Online Communication & Media
- Content & Inbound Marketing
- Search Engine Optimization
- Search Engine Marketing
- Online & Social Advertising
- eCommerce, mCommerce & sCommerce
- Web & Social Analytics
- Big Data Collectors & Analytics
- CRM's & Social CRM's
- Affiliate Marketing
- Social Networking & PR
- Digital & Social Recruiting
- Entrepreneurial & Start-up Ecosystem
An many more...
- Gamification Techniques: gaming has been the most intrinsic and extrinsic motivator to learn process since the beginning of the Human Being. By applying game dynamics and mechanics to non game processes, we can develop a whole new way to achieve objectives and goals in any field. Business cases from the best companies applying this techniques into their core business and loyalty programs, will be given as keynotes in our full day workshop programs.
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